The Dream Becomes Real | State of Matterless #25
The summer is getting scorching hot, and so is the Matterless development. Read on to find out more.
The Dream Becomes Real
With Build 0.5 out, the newly expanded team is getting a better working rhythm. We’ve put so much work into the 0.5, and our Patreon supporters have tried out 0.5 and shared their feedback with us. Sometimes, our scouting party takes detours in the forest of development to explore what can be done. A bug we discovered thanks to our supporters involved inaccurately displaying Karma leaderboard points. Our backend devs took care of that in a day, and you can now proudly display how well you are taking care of your Shiba with no fear of others missing it.
The team is also testing out 0.5 in public and indoor settings. Different types of flat surfaces react differently, and we are ironing out this plane challenge (sorry).
For me, it’s remarkable how calming the Matterless experience can be when an AR Shiba nestles among the grass and leaves. Mine looked at me happily, eyes wide, with a smile on its lips. I know how much work goes into making that happen, and we are still a LONG way off from what it’s supposed to be, but it still affects me emotionally. We are building a canvas for our imaginations — an outlet for our human impulse to love and connect. All credit goes to our developers. They are working hard to create a digital being that feels truly alive.
The Hands That Make Matterless Things Real
As mentioned previously, we changed up our release schedule to every six weeks so that each new build has more substantive content, so build 0.6 should be arriving sometime in the middle of August.
Big features require more time to work on, but we don’t want to wait until the next build is launched. Now we implemented a “fast follow” release that updates the current build. And today I am happy to announce hand detection, which will be arriving soon in build 0.5.1!
This hand detection module is part of the upgraded Auki SDK, and though the feature is still in the experimental stage, we want to get it out and see how it performs in the field. Hand detection lets you physically reach out with your hand, touch your Inco, and have it react in real time. In this upcoming iteration, the Inco will acknowledge your hand by first looking at it as you reach out and react when contact is made. It will also get a boost to its social meter (this is good Karma). Be among the first in the world to try out interactive AR pets by supporting our Patreon and check our Twitter for updates on our patent-pending tech!
Safeguarding The Amazon
As part of our continuing efforts to enrich our physical realm however we can, the Matterless team recently donated a portion of our Patreon funding to the Amazon Conservation Association, which is dedicated to protecting one of the last great bastions of biodiversity on our planet. We selected this organization based on the votes of our Patreon supporters, who do it monthly on our Discord. Head over to the ACA’s website to learn about the Amazon biosphere.
Start Me Up
Last month, Matterless was invited by Juraj Zlof, Kristijan Skarica, and Ante Bilic of WESPA Spaces to attend a Startup Business Speed Dating event in Zagreb, Croatia. Our CCO Damir First presented our vision of digital reality in AR space to fellow startup developers and investors. Here, we have the potential to connect with other like-minded organizations and individuals who see the potential that augmented reality can bring into the world. Augmented reality is genuinely a game changer — we see it as an extension of human language and the next stage of human communication.
If you’re a fellow developer who’s been eyeing our work, why not join our Discord server and have a chat with us?
That’s our update for this week! Stay safe, and see you next time.
Kerwin, social media manager